Hino Team Sugawara finished the first half of the race in 7th place in the truck division. Vehicles and personnel were refreshed in Heil on the middle day.

Jan 11, 2025

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Hino Team Sugawara continues work on the evening bivouac

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Koji Yoshikawa holding up a cracked brake rotor.

On January 10, the Dakar Rally 2025 reached its midpoint in the northern Saudi city of Ha'il.

There will be no competition on this day, and the mechanics will replace the parts that were scheduled to be replaced, as well as careful inspections and maintenance for the second half of the race. The last day of the first half of the race was the second day of the marathon stage, which ran two stages without mechanics or parts supply, but the car was in decent condition, and when the HINO600 arrived at the bivouac just after 7 p.m., the mechanics immediately began the inspection work.

The mechanics replaced the front and rear leaf springs of the big ones later that day. After a break in the middle of the night, work began early in the morning of the 10th, and proceeded solemnly with the overhaul of the reduction hub, the replacement of the front and rear brake rotors and rear brake calipers, and the replacement of the transfer with an auxiliary transmission. As a result of the inspection, a crack was found near the cross member of the transfer of the right side rail, and it was repaired by welding. In addition, an oil leak was found around the rear axle differential carrier attachment, and a seal replacement was added, so the end time of the work was delayed until about 10 p.m.

The 11th was the first day of the second half of the season. A 605km race is scheduled from Ha'il to Al Dhuwadimi in the southeast, including a 171km transfer section.

Takayuki Monma
Three expert mechanics have been dispatched from the sales company to this race, and the work is neat and quick. It's really helpful. The cracks in the frame were also repaired by welding, so there is no problem. I believe that we will be able to get through the second half of the season.

Seiichi Suzuki
It seems that the crack in the frame was in a place that had been opened before. I think it's okay because I welded it. In addition, the wind guide plate of the FRP intercooler cracked and was repaired with an aluminum plate. There are a lot of things.

Koji Yoshikawa
Sales Company Mecha has the latest information on maintenance and parts, so I am grateful for them. Today's cars are so reliable that I can't believe I used to stay up all night every day.

Soichiro Kashiwaya
We have all worked together to do our best. The work also goes at a good pace, so I haven't experienced an all-nighter yet.

Souken Sho
I've been on site for more than a week now, so I've gotten used to working on sand. Now it's time for the real thing.

Satoshi Uehara
They got through the first half of the season well, so I'd like to prepare them well here and send them out for the second half of the season. Heil gets cold in the mornings and evenings, but it is hot when working. I'm glad there were no sandstorms.

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Soichiro Kashiwatani putting on and taking off the transfer.

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Souken Sho to replace the brake rotor.

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Satoshi Uehara prepares to replace the transfer.

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Shun Konuchi with a drill bit.


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