The HINO Way

The HINO Way reflects our return to our origins in terms of contributions to customers and society and summarizes the values and vision that each one of us should hold dear.
With this HINO Way in our hearts, we pledge to cultivate a work culture that prizes mutual respect and empathy, as we provide our uniquely HINO value to customers and society.

The HINO Way
The HINO Way
The Values Incorporated into the HINO Way
The Values Incorporated into the HINO Way

The HINO Credo

Corporate Mission
We make a better world and future
by helping people and goods get
where they need to go.

Core Principles


We are committed to acting with integrity and in a compliant manner.

Compliance is the basis of all corporate activities.
We must act with integrity to meet the expectations of our customers and society.


We support a future society by committing to safety and environmental sustainability.

By providing safe and environmentally friendly products and services,
we work to solve social issues and challenges for a better future.

We support the businesses of our customers by committing to quality and professionalism.

In order to contribute to our customers' business,
we humbly listen to them, continue to kaizen and challenge ourselves, and pursue
high quality.


We respect diversity and inclusion, and build a safe working environment.

We respect diversity, recognize the uniqueness of every individual, and stand by each other.
We create an open workplace where we collaborate, learn, and cooperate with colleagues.

HINO Sustainability Policy

The Hino Credo states that “We make a better world and future by helping people and goods get where they need to go.” as our corporate mission. HINO Group is determined to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society through solving issues and challenges in relation with flows of people and goods.
To achieve the above, we, all employees of HINO Group, will act with integrity in accordance with the spirit of this Sustainability Policy (“Policy”).

Basis for Corporate Activities

1. Compliance

We comply with laws and regulations, as well as their spirit, social norms and company rules, and carry out our corporate activities in a fair manner.

2. Safety and Quality of Our Products and Services

We pass on our technology and skills, and keep creation, innovation and kaizen for providing products and services which are safe, high-quality, and useful for the business of our customers.

3. Environmental Management

In order to contribute to the realization of a sustainable world that is prosperous and pleasant to live in, we proactively work to minimize environmental impacts resulting from our operations, as well as to develop and provide our customers with environmentally friendly products and services.

4. Respect for Human Rights

We understand internationally recognised human rights, and respect and protect the human rights of all those involved in our corporate activities. We do not tolerate discrimination on the basis of race, religion, ideology, gender, age, nationality, disability or any other grounds, nor any behavior contrary to respect for human rights, including child labor, forced labor and harassment.

5. Fair Transactions and Responsible Purchasing Activities

We aim to build relationships of trust with our business partners for mutual development through fair transactions.
We conduct responsible purchasing activities to ensure that the suppliers in our supply chain also share the values set forth in this Policy, including but not limited to the commitment to compliance, safety and quality, minimizing environmental impact, and respect for human rights.

6. Disclosure and Dialogue with Stakeholders

Based on the recognition that the trust from society is essential for our corporate activities, we disclose corporate information appropriately and foster mutual understanding and trust through honest communication with our stakeholders.
We maintain honest and fair relationships with government agencies and public authorities.

Working Environment and Corporate Culture

7. Working Environment and Corporate Culture to Respect Employees

We are committed to the psychological and physical safety and health of employees and build a safe and secure working environment.
We respect diversity and create a workplace where every employee can flourish and grow.

Providing Values for a Sustainable Society

8. Contribution for a Sustainable Society Through Our Business

We actively engage in solving issues and challenges of our customers or society through our business activities supporting flows of people and goods.

9. Engagement in Community and Contribution to Its Development

We respect the culture and customs of each country and region in which we do business.
We collaborate with stakeholders to improve local communities as well as to build a sustainable society that is welcoming everyone to live in.

10. Relationships of Trust with Customers

We earn the trust of our customers as a true business partner by humbly listening to our customers, considering issues and challenges from their point of view, and working together to solve them.

Crisis Management and Role of Senior Management

11. Thorough Crisis Management

We identify key risks that pose a threat to civil society and corporate activities, and ensure crisis management to minimize damage and prepare for business continuity in the event of an emergency.

12. Role and Attitude of Senior Management

The senior management takes the initiative in realizing the values of this Policy and ensures that this Policy is comprehended throughout the company and group companies.
It also establishes and operates an effective governance system to ensure the soundness, efficiency, and transparency of corporate management.
In the event that violation of the spirit of this Policy occurs, the senior management proactively take responsibility to respond to the situation, including resolving the problem, investigating the causes, and preventing the problem from recurring.

* Reference:Main sustainability-related individual policies
HINO Global Environment Charter p.53
HINO Human Rights Policy
HINO Supplier Sustainability Guidelines
Green Purchasing Guidelines
Information Security Policy

HINO Code of Conduct

[Scope of Application]
This Code of Conduct will apply to all officers and employees of Hino Group (including employees seconded to Hino Group, contract employees, temporary employees, and seasonal employees)
The “Hino Group” means Hino Motors, Ltd. and its consolidated subsidiaries.

1.Comply with Laws, Regulations, and Standards

We will ensure full compliance with laws, regulations, and standards and act with integrity to gain the trust of customers and society.

(1) Actions Toward Safety, Environment, and Quality


  • will comply with all laws and regulations regarding safety and the environment when providing products and services.
  • will ensure the quality of our products in good faith by following applicable standards as well as humbly listening to our customers.
  • will properly record and store related data in accordance with the rules set forth in the applicable laws, regulations, and standards.

(2) Fair Trade


  • will conduct our business in a fair and impartial manner without engaging in any cartel or collective bidding, based on free and fair competition.
  • will comply with all laws and procedures relating to imports and exports.
  • will not engage in transactions with any organized criminal groups, or business partners related to organized criminal groups.
  • will comply with applicable laws and regulations on anti-terrorism, money laundering, and other economic sanctions.
  • will not trade in shares or other securities of Hino Group or other listed companies while knowing important non-public information.

(3) Respecting Human Rights and Diversity


  • will respect basic human rights, and will not tolerate any inhumane acts such as forced labor and child labor.
  • will not engage in discrimination or harassment of any kind.
  • will respect the individuality and diversity of each person and treat everyone with respect, and respect the local history, culture, religion, and customs in each country and region.

(4) Anti-bribery and Corruption, and Distinction Between Public and Private Interests


  • will comply with applicable laws concerning anti-corruption, and will not provide, offer, accept, or request bribes, inappropriate gifts, entertainment, or other benefits.
  • will not engage in conduct that may invite suspicion that we have improper relationships with any public official.
  • will not engage in any conduct that may lead to conflicts of interest with Hino Group, such as giving priority to our own interests or the interests of others over Hino Group’s interests.

(5) Management of Hino Group’s Assets and Protection of Intellectual Property and Personal Data


  • will carefully handle and properly manage Hino Group’s assets and confidential information, and will use such assets and information within the purpose permitted by Hino Group.
  • will protect the intellectual property held by Hino Group and respect the intellectual property of others.
  • will recognize the importance of protecting personal information and appropriately obtain, use, provide, and destroy personal information.

(6) Accurate and Complete Financial Reporting


  • will disclose information that is needed by the public in a timely and appropriate manner in all aspects of our corporate management such as our financial condition, business results, and the content of our business activities.

2.Contribution to Our Customers and Society

We will meet the expectations of our customers worldwide by providing useful products and services for customers and society across the globe. We are deeply aware of the need to preserve the global environment and strive for harmony with the environment while proactively conducting activities that will contribute to environmental preservation.

(7) Contribution to Customers


  • will listen to customers’ unvarnished opinions in the field, humbly accept their opinions, and act faithfully and in a timely manner.
  • will think from the customer’s point of view and continue to innovate and improve our operations to best serve them.
  • will not be satisfied with the status quo and will make continuous eff orts to achieve our goals.

(8) Contributing to Society and Local Communities


  • will proactively take actions to resolve social issues and assist with emergencies such as natural disasters.
  • will promote road safety by observing traffic rules and manners and driving/ riding in an exemplary manner as members of the automotive industry.

(9) Initiatives for the Preservation of the Global Environment


  • will be constantly aware of the links between our work and the environment and strive to reduce environmental impacts resulting from our operations.

3.Creation of a Healthy Workplace

We will endeavor to create a healthy workplace environment, prioritizing safe and comfortable working conditions, physical and mental health, and personal growth so that each employee can reach his or her full potential.

(10) Safety and Health


  • will conduct all of our operations by putting safety first.
  • will ensure safety at our workplace and protect our mental and physical health.
  • will create a safe and healthy workplace for all of our employees while complying with labor and employment laws and regulations in each country and region where we conduct business.

(11) Mutual Respect and Human Resources Development


  • will always stand by each colleague, empathize with colleagues’ concerns, and aim to solve the problems together.
  • will accept and make use of diverse perspectives so that every person in our workplace can work enthusiastically.
  • will learn from outside the company, compete healthily with our colleagues, and strive for self-improvement so that we can grow as outstanding businesspersons and members of society.

(12) Dreams, Goals, and Driving Forces for the Future


  • will work together to achieve our own dreams and goals and those of our colleagues.
  • will, from time to time, stop and take humble lessons from the past.

HINO Symbol Mark

Taken from the initial "H" of Hino Motors, the symbolmark shown below represents the fusion of the company's dynamism and expansivity as it advances into the future. Visually, the Hino symbolmark is a stylistic depiction of a sunrise on the horizon.

Arcs connected to the left and right of the central line represent Hino's desire for a sense of logistic unity, connecting the mainline with the terminals. A powerful force generating horizontal expansion along the ‘transportation route' of this central line symbolizes Hino's commitment to progress.

The mutually attracting curved sides of the symbolmark symbolize the balance between Hino's advanced technologies and the environment. Finally, the double-headed arrow shape of the Hino symbolmark embodies the concept of the company's longstanding credo as a truck and bus manufacturer for “safe passage to and from”.


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